The product’s purpose is to extract and purify genomic DNA from tissue samples. The elution product has high purity and complete fragments. The nucleic acids purified by using the ZiXpress® assortment are suitable for a variety of biological samples, which are essential and broadly used in many molecular biology downstream applications such as genetic screening, sequencing, food safety, forensics, etc.
Order Info
Performance Data
Expected Purity and Yield
DNA was purified from three different weights of muscle tissue by ZiXpress® Instrument and Tissue DNA extraction Kit. DNA concentration was measured by NanoDrop® 2000 spectrophotometer. The range of DNA yield is 9-36 μg (from 12.5-40 mg tissue).
DNA concentration Measured by NanoDrop® 2000 spectrophotometer
Electrophoresis gel of the same sample in 12 repeats (5 mg tissue)